Charity Support Network

Volunteer Your Organisation

We are looking for help from a variety of tradespeople and professionals.

If you would like to register with the Charity Support Network, please let us know what services you or your staff can donate, please contact Kirsty Hill at As we get requests in from the many charities and organisations we support, we will reach out to you dependant on the requirement at the time and ask you to help them as and when you can.

We know that every charity will be hugely grateful of your support and that will enable them to spend hard earned finances on their frontline activities and in many cases helping those that really cannot help themselves.

If you are unable to provide time but you have spare physical resources you would like to give to a charity as a one-off donation, please get in touch at
Tech devices, books, lamps, high-vis jackets, cups and saucers. Whatever items you have to donate, send us the details and we will put you in touch with a charity that can use them.

Name / OrganisationOccupationWhat can you offer to a charity? How many hours of your time are you willing to volunteer per year?
Stef NienaltowskiCEOFinancial Planning, Business Planning & General Company Management 25
The NewsPublishing EditorCommunications and media advice12-24
Mick WaltersRetiredGeneral IT skills. General DIY skills. General admin skills.Unknown - I have an open mind about this.
The Host Coworking SpaceManager of The Host Coworking SpaceTwo things...We want to be able to offer the charity workers themselves, free or discounted passes to our coworking space. We want to encourage those on low income to be able to access our coworking space. We are not a for-profit business so we actually think this relationship could be quite symbiotic. We would actually love other businesses to sponsor charity worker passes. We are not for profit, and currently rely on finite grants for our own salaries, but want to be offering more, and become a social enterprise. I feel like the Charity Network might be the right place to make some connections and be able to support more of Portsmouth's charities. N/A
Eco Drift LtdManaging Directorhelp during charity events, support and advice, marshalling15-20
TRACOukManaging Director of a successful B Corp and Social EnterpriseGeneral business advice / Driving and use of a vehicle / General hands on, getting stuck in with whatever someone needs help with!30
Major Premise Chiropractic or Charlie ChiropractorI can provide information and lectures/talks about general or specific health problems, including but not limited to lifestyle, sleep, and nutrition. Provide spinal checkups to those in need of charity, including x-ray imaging and analysis of their x-rays, general chiropractic care, or generally donating my time to other areas of charitable work.20