The organisations that form Health and Care Portsmouth have been shortlisted for an MJ Local Government Achievement Award for their senior leadership.
Health and Care Portsmouth is delighted to announce its senior leadership team has been nominated for an MJ Local Government Achievement Award for their integrated leadership approach. The prestigious award ceremony took place on Friday 24 June 2022 at the Park Plaza in Westminster.
Health and Care Portsmouth’s senior leadership team is shortlisted for the Senior Leadership Award. Since 2015, organisations involved in Health and Care Portsmouth have combined their knowledge and expertise to improve support for people in the community across a range of different services including health visiting, school nursing and learning disability support.
Health and Care Portsmouth’s vision is to support people to live healthy, safe and independent lives by offering health and social care services that are joined up and provided in the right place, at the right time.
The Senior Leadership team has demonstrated outstanding leadership using the shared values and commitments outlined in “The Blueprint for Health and Care in Portsmouth.” – A strategic document setting out our approach to a seamless local health system.
The benefits of this integration were seen during the system’s COVID-19 response, particularly it’s approach to managing and supporting the care market as well as resolving operational issues quickly and collaboratively.
Other examples of how the approach of the team has made a measurable difference locally include:
- Commissioning strategy decision includes both NHS and LA needs to ensure complementary commissioning and no detriment to other party.
- Managed shortage of domiciliary care hours to achieve Portsmouth care goals rather than competing for resource
- Senior Responsible Officer for discharge and flow across PCC/CCG/Solent NHS Trust with authority to direct resources to achieve best result for Portsmouth citizens and keep flow out of acute trust, SRO oversees discharge hub
- CCG/PCC set up a D2A unit to support discharge from hospital and enable people to have a place outside of hospital for assessment and inward journey
- Solent enhanced care homes team supporting providers with clinical assessment and treatment
David Williams, Chief Executive of Portsmouth City Council said: “Health and Care Portsmouth is a collective and collaborative approach which has been building ever-closer working relationships with the local NHS, voluntary, community, and social enterprise sector and Portsmouth City Council through this partnership of leaders. Since 2015, we have been working together to better understand local needs, and design services to better meet them.
“We are absolutely thrilled to have been shortlisted for such a prestigious award. It is very encouraging to see our commitment to integrated health and social care recognised. Our staff have been brilliant in translating that intent into improved services and outcomes for our communities.”
Jo York, Managing Director of Health and Care Portsmouth said: “I am thrilled that we have been nominated for such a prestigious award, and it is an honour to work with such talented and committed leaders.
“As a partnership, we are leading the way for integrated health and care. Shared local outcomes, shared goals, and importantly – shared leadership, are vital in achieving the goals set out in the Portsmouth Blueprint.
“Delivery of this isn’t possible with just a leadership approach, this comes from the commitment and hard-work of our teams all working in partnership. I wanted to also say a huge thank you to the teams enabling us to deliver a service to the people of Portsmouth.”
Suzannah Rosenberg, Chief Operating Officer of Solent NHS Trust said: “I am incredibly proud of our team for being selected as a finalist for the MJ Senior Leadership Team of the Year Award. It is an honour to work alongside such incredible leaders who are passionate about working together to make a difference to people in our communities.”
Penny Emerit, Chief Executive of Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust said: “We are delighted to have been shortlisted for this award and it really demonstrates the commitment of health and social care leaders in Portsmouth to work together to achieve the best outcomes for our patients and our community.”
Since 2004, the MJ awards have been held every year and celebrate the best in local government services and personnel. The award ceremony is one of the major events within the public sector.