HIVE Portsmouth have been in touch with Shaping to let us know that Solent NHS will soon be announcing it’s Portsmouth Covid-19 vaccination centre, and that they need some extra volunteer capacity to help facilitate the vaccination programme.
The roles they are looking for support in filling are helping marshalling traffic, and stewarding people getting their vaccinations – they are not currently asking us to help find people to administer the vaccines. You can find some more information about the roles below:
The vaccine roll-out is due to start on Monday 18th January and last for around 3 months. HIVE Portsmouth currently have an initial tranche of volunteers to get it started, but they expect to need more volunteers due to attrition and drop-off later in the process. As such, we are looking to help supplement their numbers with ‘on-stand-by’ volunteer capacity.
To make it as simple as possible for HIVE Portsmouth to activate interested volunteers when they need them, we have set up an expression of interest form. If you, your colleagues, or anyone in your network would like to volunteer to support this vital roll-out, please complete this form online, and when HIVE give us the call saying they need more people, we will send them your details. You can find this form at tinyurl.com/vaccinevolunteer
Thank you in advance, and stay safe