Strange things have been happening after-hours at Portsmouth Museum and Art Gallery! Have you ever wondered where all the untold stories from history disappear to? What if they are stolen away? Welcome to ‘The Case of the Secret Story Stealer!’
Portsmouth Museum and Art Gallery have joined forces with historical interpretation and performance company, HistoryRiot, to create an activity filled, family-led trail adventure running throughout the museum.
Families visiting the museum will be given the opportunity to train as detectives, before a film starts off their challenge: to save the secret stories of characters hidden around the exhibitions, as well as their own stories, from the Secret Story Stealer.
There are 5 characters to choose from, clues to find and activities to enjoy that will help to build up the background to each one. Detectives, both young and old, are encouraged to be imaginative, creating any missing story links for themselves.
Finally, Portsmouth Museum and Art Gallery wants to be sure YOUR stories are never stolen. At the end of the trail, participants can design, write and post a postcard that will remain a part of the museum. They will receive a character badge for each story saved!
Listing details:
Trail title: The Case of the Secret Story Stealer
Age: Family/cross-generational. Material – Key Stage 1-2
Venue: Portsmouth Museum and Art Gallery
Dates: Daily, opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 10am – 5pm. Last admission: 4.30pm.