Move your supply chain out of first gear by embracing modal shift

The shift away from conventional supply chain thinking has emerged as a result of a combination of factors including congestion at the larger UK ports, increased procedures around people and goods at the border, a shortage of HGV drivers, customs staff and other skilled roles, all of which have had an impact on businesses.

Companies have re-engineered their supply chains, and modal shift is an important element of the discussion around creating a sustainable, resilient flow of imports and exports.

As well as moving from driver accompanied trailers to unaccompanied trailers and containers, there has been an increase in break bulk coaster shipments and utilisation of smaller regional ports, increasing supply chain security, speeding up processing and a reduced impact upon the environment.

To discover how your business can take advantage of the modal shift trend, Portico, the international cargo terminal based at Portsmouth International Port, is holding a free online seminar at 10am on Thursday 14 July.

Key Account Manager Matt Green will discuss Portico’s ground-breaking ‘fast lane’ partnership with CMA-CGM and Brittany Ferries, and their weekly service to the Port of Antwerp-Bruges.

He will be joined by Justin Atkin, the Port of Antwerp-Bruges Representative for the UK & Ireland, who will give a European perspective of developing resilient and sustainable supply chains between Belgium and the UK.

There will also be an opportunity for the audience to ask Matt and Justin for their views on issues affecting the industry, along with any questions they might have.

Register for the seminar here.