Plastic free July, a small change can make a huge difference!


Professor Steve Fletcher, Director of the University’s Revolution Plastics initiative, is urging staff, students and Portsmouth residents to take up the challenge of Plastic Free July by pledging to give up single-use plastics for one week during the month.

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution.  The initiative provides resources and ideas to help people reduce single-use plastic waste in their lives.  Last year, an estimated 326 million people from 177 countries took part in the challenge.

Professor Steve Fletcher, Director of the University’s Revolution Plastics initiative:

This year is even more important than ever. Our use of single use plastics have increased during the pandemic.

This cause is at the core of Revolution Plastics, which is dedicated to finding solutions to the world’s plastic problem.  Revolution Plastics is assembling teams of scientists, business leaders, campaigners and citizens who share the same ambition to transform the way plastic is made, used and disposed of.

Professor Fletcher said: “This year is even more important than ever.  Our use of single-use plastics has increased during the pandemic. Good habits on reducing and reusing plastics have been halted and reversed to help protect our health. As restrictions are relaxed and vaccinations rolled out, we need to find ways to use plastics more sustainably. This Plastic-Free-July we want to highlight the importance that plastic has in protecting our health, but also begin the discussion on returning to, or starting new habits for more sustainable plastic use, whilst keeping the nation healthy.

Professor Steve Fletcher, Director of the University’s Revolution Plastics initiative:

A small change can collectively make a massive difference and may help form new habits forever.

“As we attempt to relax restrictions over the coming months, Plastic Free July offers an excellent opportunity to highlight the importance of plastic, while enabling individuals to make informed decisions about how and when they can return to sustainable lifestyles.

“It would be great to get as many people as possible involved by pledging to give up single use plastics for just one week during July.  A small change can collectively make a massive difference and may help form new habits forever.”

You can get involved via the Plastic Free July website. Revolution Plastics will also be following three case studies during the first week of July to see how they get on with giving up single-use plastics.  There will be lots of hints and tips about reducing our reliance on single-use plastic and advice on actions you can take. Follow  Revolution Plastics on Twitter: @UoPPlastics