Portsmouth art project, bringing people together through art


A series of community art workshops will take place at The Hotwalls Studios in Old Portsmouth this summer, The workshops are completely free to members of the public. Interactive Weaves is an Arts Council Funded project which aims to create woven installations with the public and Hotwalls Studios Artists using local waste materials.

Local artist, Alice Hume who is leading the project, said, “Interactive Weaves is a project accessible for everyone; for all ages and abilities. You do not need to be creative. You only need to have an open mind to learn something new.”

The project will explore topics of plastic consumption, textile waste and well-being through craft practices. Participants will be able to weave with recycled, upcycled and ethical materials such as textiles, paper, plastic and plants.

Cllr Ben Dowling, Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure & Economic Development, said, “We know that the pandemic has impacted upon the arts sector in particular and so it is fantastic to see a local artist like Alice awarded this national lottery funding. This is such a creative project that will encourage all kinds of people to go and take part in something fun, artistic and insightful. This is community activity at its best.”

Alice was born in Portsmouth and attended Admiral Lord Nelson School before studying art at Portsmouth College. She went on to study for her degree in Textiles and has been a Full-time Artist at Hotwalls Studios since they opened in July 2016.

The Hotwalls Studios artists will each lead their own workshop, sharing their artistic skills and knowledge, such as ceramics, marbling, life drawing, painting, hand stitching, gold leaf and weaving. Paintings and drawings will be produced capturing the day’s events. The project will have an exhibition in the Round Tower in September 2021, which will provide the public with the opportunity to see all the artwork displayed.

To book free tickets and see the full programme, people can visit www.vanderhume.co.uk/interactiveweaves or follow Interactive Weaves on Instagram by visiting www.instagram.com/interactiveweaves.

Interactive Weaves is supported by Arts Council England, Portsmouth City Council, Hotwalls Studios and John Hansard Gallery.