‘Dress up as your future self’ day, a CV writing course and self-employment drop-in sessions – just a few of the free events planned for Portsmouth Aspirations Week 2022, which will kick off on Monday 17 January 2022.
Portsmouth City Council has invited schools, early years settings, businesses and community organisations to join them in helping residents of all ages to voice and take steps towards realising their future goals. Events running during Aspirations Week will give children, young adults, and residents the opportunity to explore further education options and future career prospects, as well as broader aspirations such as getting fit, learning a new hobby or going green.
Cllr Suzy Horton, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education at Portsmouth City Council said: “The aim of Portsmouth Aspirations Week is to inspire children, young people and adults to think about their futures, help them to understand the steps they can take to ensure their own success and the help that’s available – at school and beyond – to help them to reach their goals. Portsmouth Aspirations Week is one of the ways that we are supporting Portsmouth’s vision for 2040 and is part of council’s commitment to both life-long learning and economic recovery from the pandemic. We are delighted that so many businesses, schools and community organisations will be taking part! ”
Helen Castle, Head Teacher at Manor Infants and Nursery School, said: “We’re really looking forward to being part of Aspirations Week again. It’s so important to help the children look ahead to the future, to think about what they might become and for the school, the community and parents to help them to take steps to achieve those ambitions and I’d like to thank everyone involved in helping us to plan for the week’s activities.”
Portsmouth Aspirations Week was last held pre-pandemic in January 2020, when more than 30 schools, 90 early years settings and 20 local businesses took part. That week also saw an increase of 47% in registrations to adult education courses in January and February, compared to the same period the year before.
For Portsmouth Aspirations Week 2022, a range of employment workshops and webinars are being planned, to help adults to upskill and engage in a variety of new careers – something that’s particularly important in light of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
Portsmouth Aspirations Week sets the scene for further careers and apprenticeship activities in following weeks. ‘Get Inspired’ – a careers event organised by EBP South – will be held at Portsmouth Guildhall on 26 January, with the aim of helping young people aged 10 – 14, to find out about different careers through interactive activities run by local employers. From 7 – 11 February the National Apprenticeship bus tour will see local apprentices visit secondary schools to enable the pupils to find out at first-hand about their options once they leave school. On 17 March, the Moving Forward event will be held at Portsmouth Football Club for young people and adults with learning disabilities, to highlight the support available as they prepare for adulthood and showcases opportunities with local employers.
To find out more about Portsmouth Aspirations Week, please visit www.portsmouth.gov.uk/aspirationsweek