Shaping Portsmouth Board welcomes new Finance Director

Shaping Portsmouth is supported, as many of you know, by over 60 businesses and over 150 active volunteers. Ten of these volunteers are the Non-Executive Directors that sit on our Board and give their time passionately and freely to help Shape the future of Portsmouth.
We are pleased to announce Sam Singleton as our newest member of the Board, taking on the role of Finance Director.

Sam Singleton

Sam is Head of Finance at the Guildhall Trust, and is a 6-year post-qualified management accountant with a specialist Masters in the Charity sector, which had a significant focus on social impact. Having previously led as Financial Controller another significant Charitable Group worth over £90m with over 35 Restricted funds, Sam has specific knowledge on working with multiple boards that have multiple objectives and ensuring strategic support to CEOs of those organisations. He currently sits as a Treasurer for HomeStart Arun, Worthing and Adur a Children’s charity that has a vast volunteer network.

Sam said “I’m really excited to be joining a diverse and experienced team of Non-Executive Directors at Shaping Portsmouth. This is a wonderful opportunity for me to bring my Charitable and Financial background to the team and I hope I can contribute to the social impact the organisation makes on a day-to-day basis.”

Stef Nienaltowski, Shaping Portsmouth CEO, said “I was delighted to receive seven applications, all from Patrons of Shaping which further demonstrates the strong and deep Partnerships we have with you all in the City. Any one of these seven applicants would have been a massive benefit to the Board and organisation.

“Sam has a great deal of experience in working with Charities and will be able to help us with future grant bids. I’d like to thank all the other wonderful candidates who applied, and welcome Sam to the Board of Non-Exec Directors in this most important of roles.”

Currently, the position of Finance Non-Exec Director is held by Louisa Burton, who will be stepping down from this most important of roles in the team on 1st May after serving on the Board for more than three years.

Stef Adds “I’d like to pay a personal tribute to Louisa for her brilliant support and wise and experienced counsel in helping us manage the finances through Covid and into 2023. She will be greatly missed by the whole Board.”

Sam will succeed Louisa and take up his place on the Board from the June meeting.