Shaping Portsmouth are pleased to announce that we have signed the Care Leaver Covenant.
This means that we recognise the challenges that young people face when they leave the care system and begin to live independently. We are prepared to offer support to care leavers to improve their life chances and help them make a successful transition to adulthood.
We understand that our support to care leavers should be in their best interests, promoting their health and wellbeing and securing the best possible outcomes for them.
Stef Nienaltowski, CEO of Shaping Portsmouth, said “In signing the Care Leaver Covenant we aim to further commit Shaping Portsmouth to the objectives of both the national organisation and our own City-based programme.”
Adam Murphy, Participation Officer for Children and Families Services at Portsmouth City Council, adds “Thank you to Shaping Portsmouth for your ongoing support and commitment to our Portsmouth Care Leavers. Stef, Ken Ebbens and Sam McGrath have always been so compassionate and understanding in their offer of support, and always had the views and wishes of our care leavers at the heart of their offer.
It’s great to see Shaping Portsmouth signing up to the National Covenant to Care Leavers and leading the way for hopefully many more organisations in Portsmouth to sign up. ”
If you are a Portsmouth business, please do join us in supporting our local Care Leavers through the Care Leaver Covenant.
If you would like to speak to the Shaping Portsmouth team further then please email
Our own Care Leavers programme, led by Ken Ebbens, provides support for young people after leaving care, and prepares those still in the care system for their next steps. The programme is being shaped with the help of former care leavers and aims to build ongoing relationships between the business community and the care leaver.