A day of Start Up and SME support with our Start Up and Thrive and Crowdfund Portsmouth Programmes

Join us on Tuesday the 13th of September 2022 for a day of start-up and SME support with our Start-up and Thrive and Crowdfund Portsmouth programmes at Corner Collective Art Gallery, Southsea, PO4 OJS

Start the day with an insight into our Start-Up and Thrive programme with programme lead David Patterson, from 8.30 am to 10 am.

With an informative agenda consisting of:

• Crowdfund Portsmouth – Successes so far

• Introduction to the Skills and Employability programme and how we can work together

• A demonstration of the automated business advisor for Portsmouth.

Register by emailing contactus@shapingportsmouth.co.uk.

Our Start-up and Thrive programme wants to create a thriving and competitive business start-up environment by making Portsmouth a great place to start, grow and locate a business in the UK and to be the best place to get localised, Portsmouth-based information and resources to help businesses to start up and thrive.


The rest of the day will be full of SMEs seeking help from our Crowdfund Portsmouth programme in 1-to-1 20-minute drop-in appointments at the same venue.

Shaping Portsmouth and Portsmouth City Council teamed up with Crowdfunder to help make great ideas happen through a combination of match funding, expert crowdfunding coaching and events.

There are currently two funds available with match funding of up to £5000. They are; the Portsmouth Small Business fund – aimed at business start-ups and existing SMEs looking to grow and the Portsmouth CIL transformation fund – supporting community projects that are helping to address demands that development places on Portsmouth City.

Do you want more information on how to apply for the funds and need some advice on your SME or Start-Up?

Register here for our 20-minute 1-to-1 appointments with Su Johnston from Crowdfund Portsmouth.

If this date doesn’t work for you, email business@portsmouthcc.gov.uk to be notified of upcoming drop-in sessions.