Weather postpones Cosham firework display


King George V firework display will now take place on Wednesday 9 November 2022

Due to the weather forecast of rain and wind, and after speaking to the various contactors who deliver the event, Portsmouth City Council has taken the difficult decision to postpone its annual firework display which was due to take place at King George V playing fields on Wednesday 2 November 2022.

The council have rescheduled the annual free event, which will now take place a week later on Wednesday 9 November 2022, opening at 4pm.

All timings will remain the same with the bonfire set to be lit at 6.30pm followed by a spectacular fireworks display starting at 7.30pm. A variety of hot food and refreshments will be available, as well as a children’s funfair (under 12’s only).

Cllr Steve Pitt, Cabinet Member for Culture, Leisure and Economic Development, said: “It’s disappointing to have to move the event due to bad weather, but the priority must be to deliver a safe event. We are pleased we have been able to reschedule for the following week. We know how popular this free event is for families across the city and hope for better weather next week so many people can come and enjoy the fireworks safely.

“During the cost of living crisis, we appreciate the great strain on family budgets and feel it is even more important to continue to provide free activities for them to enjoy whenever we possibly can.”

This year’s display has been supplied by Pains Fireworks. Visitors are asked not to bring their own fireworks or sparklers to the display for health and safety reasons.

The fireworks display always draws the crowds, so please avoid driving or car share if possible, parking will be available at Lakeside.

Please avoid crossing Western Road which is a high-speed road. There are pedestrian subways available at either end of Western Road.

Please note South Western Railway have announced a train strike from 5 – 10 November so there will be a severely reduced service – check before travelling. There are bus stops adjacent to the field on Northern Road. Please note that a road closure will be in place on Northern Road for approximately 20 minutes following the end of the fireworks. Please walk, cycle, scoot or use public transport where possible.

For more information visit