Wightlink is operating a revised timetable on the Portsmouth-Fishbourne route.
The ferry company’s largest ship, Victoria of Wight, was withdrawn from service earlier today because of a mechanical failure involving one of the engines. The route will operate using two ferries (St Clare and St Faith) until Wednesday 23 June 2021.
All customers booked to travel with their vehicles on Victoria of Wight are being transferred to other sailings on this route or Wightlink’s Lymington to Yarmouth service.
This weekend Friday 18 to Monday 21 June, the two ships on the Portsmouth-Fishbourne route will also sail throughout the night to ensure all customers, including freight drivers, are able to cross the Solent.
See www.wightlink.co.uk/updates for full details and the new timetable.
Wightlink staff are contacting all customers to inform them of their new sailing and to explain their options if they wish to amend their booking.
Wightlink’s Fleet and Operations Director John Burrows says: “We apologise to all our customers who will be affected by this unavoidable change to our timetable.
“Although we are doing our best to make sure everyone will be able to travel this weekend, we know many people may be inconvenienced at this busy time of the year.”