Portsmouth charity hosts black-tie event to raise funds to improve education in Republic of Guinea

A charity that helps young people across the world is hosting a glitzy black-tie event to raise funds for children unable to access primary education.

URBOND, a Portsmouth-based charity is hosting a glamourous charity fundraising ball to help it continue its ongoing work with children in the Republic of Guinea through its Child Education Programme.

Scores of people will pull out their best dresses and suits for the do, which will take place on November 12 from 7pm onwards at the Marriot Hotel in North Harbour.

Guests will enjoy an evening full of entertainment, including music from Vocal Eclipse, alongside drinks and a three-course meal.

To help the charity’s fundraising initiative, there will also be a live auction, where guests can bid on items such as signed football boots and artwork, as well as raffle with prizes like a day trip to London Tower Bridge up for grabs.

The headline sponsor for the night is Richmond Motor Group, with corporate sponsorship and promotional opportunities available for other businesses wishing to support the charity.

On Sunday October 2, a team of 12 volunteers travelled to Koutaya, Dubréka to spend 12 days developing the building of sanitary facilities, a play area and a fence for a primary school, as well as teaching IT and English classes, and providing menstruation workshops as part of URBOND’s Child Education Programme.

The second annual trip aims to improve access education and advance diversity and inclusion throughout the communities within which the charity works, while improving the society as a whole.

Last year’s trip saw the team build a new library and computer room that will benefit more than 10,000 children and locals yearly, as well as hundreds of teachers, parents and children benefiting from the other work that was completed including the health clinics, girls’ education workshops and donation of books and furniture.

In 2021 alone, pass rate in schools rose by 79 per cent from the previous 49 per cent.

URBOND’s founder, Ousmane Drame hopes that the event will raise enough to pay for the work that the team will undertake this year.

He said: ‘Our team of volunteers worked so hard last year, and the project was a great success. We expect that this year will be no different with the amazing team of volunteers we currently have lined up.

‘Everyone is welcome to come along to the ball, enjoy an exciting night out with friends or work colleagues and help raise money for a really important cause.’


Tickets can be purchased from https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/charity-ball-2022-tickets-313054332937?aff=ebdssbdestsearch.