Portsmouth residents invited to first mayor-making ceremony since pandemic


The new Lord Mayor of Portsmouth will be formally elected at the council’s annual meeting at 10 am on 17 May 2022. Doors open at 9 am, and guests are asked to be seated by 9.30 am. This is the first time the event has been open to the public since 2019.

Councillors will nominate the new Lord Mayor before voting to decide who will hold the role for the following year. Once a mayor is chosen, they take up the post and nominate the charities for which they will be raising funds throughout the year.

As part of the ceremony, the new Lord Mayor will receive the Keys of the City and be presented with the Portsmouth Sword, which symbolises the interdependence of the Royal Navy and the city of Portsmouth.

It’s also the chance to honour people making a fundamental change to the city with a series of Civic Awards that recognise those who have improved the local community. The Lord Mayor presents civic awards to residents who have made a significant contribution to the city.

Free tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis. They are available from Cosham Library, Central Library or the Guildhall reception desk or can be reserved by calling 023 9268 8938 or emailing events@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.