Potential expansion of cycle storage pilot


Residents in eight roads in Portsmouth could soon benefit from secure cycle storage, in the form of bike hangars, if proposals to launch phase two of the pilot are approved at next week’s cabinet meeting.

Bike hangars are secure, lockable, covered pods which can accommodate between four and six cycles. Portsmouth City Council has introduced the bike hangar pilot to help residents without bike storage space to be able to keep their bikes securely, close to home, in nine hangars in eight locations. The recommendation being made at Cabinet is to expand this pilot to include eight additional hangars with parking for 48 bicycles, in a second phase.

The eight locations were identified following a significant review process that was required following requests from 190 residents for bike hangars. There are also a further eight locations that have been identified if further funding from the government’s Capability Fund can be secured.

The second phase includes a blend of off and on-street locations in the following locations – Methuen Road, Worsley Street, Binsteed Road, Lennox Road South, Collingwood Road, Lumsden/Ferry Road, Landguard Road and Francis Avenue.

The installation of bike hangers will help to encourage more people to cycle and for those who already cycle to do so more regularly. Lack of secure storage space for bicycles can be a barrier for many who would like to cycle. Increasing cycling opportunities for leisure, commuting or to access education benefits peoples’ physical and mental health, wealth, and supports the council’s commitment to improve air quality and create a greener city.

Cllr Stagg, Cabinet Member for Traffic and Transportation, said “I look forward to discussing the recommendations for more bike hangars at cabinet next week as we have seen many of the bike hangars we already have are oversubscribed and 190 residents wanting one in their road. Helping residents to cycle more will help us to deliver the objectives of the Local Transport Plan which was approved at Full Council on 13 October and is essential as we strive for a cleaner and greener city.”

The decision will take place at Cabinet on 2 November 2021. For more information visit https://democracy.portsmouth.gov.uk/ieListDocuments.aspx?CId=126&MId=4746