Written by Lauren Strong
Student of Criminology & Cybercrime, University of Portsmouth
A VPN can help keep us safe while browsing the complex world of the digital realm. Creating a secure connection between your device and the internet, encrypting all data traffic, routing it through a remote server for no one else to access. Keeping you safe from prying eyes and maintaining your anonymity and security.
Privacy protections: VPN masks your Internet Protocol (IP). Meaning your online activities cannot be traced back to your location or identity, preserving privacy and anonymity online. It does this by ‘bouncing’ your signal from different servers around the world, hiding your physical location.

Remote access: VPNs are used by businesses for employees are working remotely and need to access the company network. They allow people to securely access corporate networks. Even when accessing them through unsecure networks, safeguarding the companies’ data from potential breaches. People can also download VPNs on their personal devices. Always do research into VPNs offered, as there are free and paid variations that provide different levels of security.
Public wi-fi safety: VPN creates a secure ‘tunnel’ for data transmissions, preventing prying eyes from breaching your virtual identity, or eavesdropping on your activities. This is very important for surfing public wi-fi, as these networks have no/ limited encryption, therefore more vulnerable to hacking. VPN can be armour against such situations.
VPN is an amazing tool allowing freedom online while protecting privacy and enhancing security. By data encryption, enhancing security and preserving anonymity. VPN supplies peace of mind, ensuring safety during work or personal time.