Everyone is responsible for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
If you are unsure whether a child is suffering and are worried that the child has suffered harm, neglect or abuse, the information below may help you decide whether the child is at risk:
Signs of physical abuse
- any bruising to a baby – pre-walking stage
- multiple bruising to different parts of the body
- bruising of different colours, indicating repeated injuries
- fingertip bruising to the chest, back, arms or legs
- burns of any shape or size
- an injury for which there is no adequate explanation
Signs of sexual abuse
- something a child has told you or told someone else
- a child who shows worrying sexualised behaviour in their play or with other children
- a child who seems to have inappropriate sexual knowledge for their age
- a child who may be visiting or being looked after by a known or suspected sexual offender
Signs of emotional abuse
These signs may be present in children whose parents are over-critical, emotionally distant, or unable to meet their child’s emotional needs:
- excessive behaviour, such as excessive bedwetting, overeating, rocking, headbanging
- self-harming, for example, cutting or scratching themselves or an overdose
- attempt at suicide
- persistently running away from home
- high levels of anxiety, unhappiness or withdrawal
- children who usually seek out or avoid affection
Signs of neglect
- squalid, unhygienic or dangerous home conditions
- parents who fail to attend to their children’s health or development needs
- children who appear persistently undersized or underweight
- children who continually appear tired or lacking in energy
- children who suffer frequent injuries due to lack of supervision
Portsmouth Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub:
- phone 02392 688 793
- email mash@portsmouthcc.gov.uk
- at all other times, phone the out-of-hours service on 0300 555 1373
Hampshire Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub:
- phone 0300 555 1384 during office hours 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 4.30pm on Friday.
- phone 0300 555 1373 at all other times to contact the Out of Hours service